Saturday, June 25, 2005
Good Samaritans Help Protect Dog
The City of Akron, Ohio, as covered by Leader Publications - Good Samaritans help protect dog
Good Samaritans help protect dog
To the editor:
So many letters to editors these days regard themes of a negative tone. I wanted to send one to the West Side Leader regarding a recent experience which took place in the Akron area of a more positive, uplifting theme.
On Memorial Day, I came upon a frightened dog in the middle of Quick Road in Peninsula as I was driving past the Humane Society of Greater Akron (HSGA). The dog apparently had been abandoned near the facility earlier in the day.
As I began to follow the dog, I came upon a couple in their vehicle, and we agreed to use their Jeep Cherokee and my Escort station wagon to, more or less, block traffic from hitting the dog. Together, we three coaxed the poor pooch to one of the waiting vehicles using a borrowed bowl of dog food from nearby HSGA.
It worked! We were able to save him from a sure demise on Quick Road that day. He is probably ready for adoption at HSGA now.
I want to thank that nameless couple for helping me to catch that abandoned dog on Memorial Day and do, indeed, hope that they find my letter here in the West Side Leader.
Thanks also to the countless numbers of other anonymous folks who have performed similarly in order to help the abandoned and abused animals in our community.
As a devoted dog lover, I was honored to have been a part of this rescue. Thanks so much again to the folks who assisted me in the effort.
Nancy Kist,
West Akron
Leader Publications
Good Job!
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